Monday 9 May 2016

CIS 333 Assignment 3: Waterfall versus Agile

CIS 333 Assignment 3: Waterfall versus Agile
CIS 333 Assignment 3: Waterfall versus Agile

Assignment 3: Waterfall versus Agile

Due Week 4 and worth 85 points
Research agile methodologies including SCRUM and extreme programming (XP).
Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
  1. Describe the waterfall methodology and identify its relationship to the PMBOK® process groups.
  2. Describe the agile methodology and identify its relationship to the PMBOK® process groups.
  3. Contrast waterfall and agile methodologies.
  4. Describe XP and defend or criticize the practice.
  5. Use at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

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