Monday 9 May 2016

BMGT 364 Week 3: Learning Activity

BMGT 364 Week 3: Learning Activity
BMGT 364 Week 3: Learning Activity

Some management theorists suggest that the four pillars (POLC) do not go far enough to explain how the manager should approach the new 21st century business landscape and that a systems thinking approach is more comprehensive.
NOTE: For this activity you will be forced to argue for one perspective or the other. (Even if you do not actually agree, you must argue for the position you have been assigned!)
If your last name begins with a letter between A-H, you will present arguments for why POLC is the preferred management theory. (My last name is here)
If your last names beings with a letter between K-Z, you will present arguments for why a systems thinking approach is best.
Again: last name A-H: POLC
last name K-Z: systems thinking
  1. Create an initial thread by:
(a) identifying the theory for which you are arguing:
Last name A-H: POLC
(b) explaining the main tenets of the theory for which you are arguing
(c) discussing why your selected theory is to be preferred in relation to the other theory (e.g. systems thinking, which encompasses . . . , provides a more robust view of management compared to POLC, which focuses primarily on the functions of . . ., (and so forth))
For this part of the activity you must cite and reference at least three resources.
One initial post due by Thursday 11:59 p.m. EST.
  1. Respond to two classmates’ posts:
NOTE: You must respond to two classmates who argued for the opposing theory (i.e. if you have a last name A-H and thus argued for POLC, you must respond to a classmate with a last name K-Z who argued for systems thinking, and vice versa).
  • discussing two arguments made by that classmate for the opposing view that were convincing
  • discussing two reasons why the arguments made by the classmate were insufficient in convincing you that their method should be preferred

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