Monday 9 May 2016

BMGT 364 Week 6: Learning Activity

BMGT 364 Week 6: Learning Activity
BMGT 364 Week 6: Learning Activity

What is the manager’s perspective of leadership? How does it differ from the leader’s perspective?
Managers focus on process, procedure, and implementation of the organization’s purpose.  A manager’s perspective is about getting the job done and keeping stability.  The leader is about change and moving workers toward the organization’s vision.
The area of overlap comes in terms of the need to use “soft or people skills” to get their job done.  It can be said that:
the manager motivates while the leader empowers.
In the following five quotes each leader is commenting on the perspective of a manager in an organization as opposed to a leader.
“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” Peter Drucker
“Leadership is working with goals and vision; management is working with objectives.” Rusell Honore
“When a management with a reputation for brilliance tackles a business with a reputation for bad economics, it is the reputation of the business that remains intact.” Warren Buffett
“Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them.” Paul Hawken
“Management is nothing more than motivating other people.” Lee Iacocca
  1. Create an initial post by:
(a) identifying the one quote on which your post will focus
(b) describing the critical managerial roles assumed by the quote and the skills required to execute on those roles (e.g. In Honore’s quote, he assumes managers will be focused on goal setting, which requires an ability to plan . . .)
(c) describing at least three essential managerial roles or activities overlooked by the quote (Honore, however, ignores motivation, resource allocation, and . . .)
(d) identifying and reflecting on another of the five quotes which helps capture the points left out by the quote discussed
For this part of the activity you must cite and reference at least three resources.
One initial post due by Thursday 11:59 p.m. EST.
  1. Respond to two classmates’ post by:
(a) explaining why you believe the primary quote selected by your classmate does not effectively convey the essential duties of management (again, you must take a critical position against a quote, even if you believe it is a good quote, or you can just choose a quote you believe is insufficient. Please choose two different quotes to critique.)
For this part of the activity you must cite and reference at least one resource in each response.

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