Monday 9 May 2016

WRTG 101S Writing Assignment 1: Autobiographical Essay

WRTG 101S Writing Assignment 1: Autobiographical Essay
WRTG 101S Writing Assignment 1: Autobiographical Essay

Writing Assignment #1: Autobiographical Essay

Writing assignment #1 will be an essay in which you describe an event or person you have encountered in your past work experiences or experiences in your community. This essay is informed in part by an article from Mark Gellis, “Autobiographical Writing in the Technical Writing Class.” That article is in the ereserves section of this class.
A Brief Introduction to the Strategies for this Essay:
In his essay, “Autobiographical Writing in the Technical Writing Class,” Gillis writes that “An
essay…is written not only to explain, but often to record and reveal the author’s personal interaction with the subject” (p. 326). You will accomplish these steps in your essay. You will record and reveal your interaction with the topic about which you are writing.
Gellis notes on page 327 that writing a story or narrative of one’s past can help one’s professional growth. A goal of this essay is to help you understand your goals in pursuing the degree you are pursuing at UMUC by describing and analyzing a work or community experience you have had in the past. Examples of previous students who have written this type of analysis are given below.
Overall, if you read the following article by Gellis in our ereserves section of the class, you will have a good understanding of how to approach this assignment. The article is “Autobiographical Writing in the Technical Writing Course.”
In this essay, you will have the following:
  • ·  an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement
  • ·  body paragraphs that support the thesis statement
  • ·  a concluding paragraph
In addition, the paper should be formatted according to APA style (e.g., you should include a running head with page numbers, have appropriate margins, etc.) in accordance with the video tutorial you observed in class, How to format your paper according to APA style.
Note that Gellis cautions on pages 329-330 that students have the tendency to “go broad but not deep” in this type of essay. With this caution in mind, please analyze your topic with a sense of depth, not covering too many years or too many incidents. Covering too many years or incidents can result in a fairly shallow or broad coverage of your topic.
Some possible topics on the essay include the following:
  • ·  A situation you encountered at work or in your community that involved a failure
  • ·  A situation you encountered at work or in your community that involved an important
  • ·  A person (a supervisor or co-worker) who has contributed to your growth as a
  • ·  A person or event that represented a negative example of professionalism
  • ·  Your first day or week on a particular job and what you learned from that first day or
  • ·  A situation in which you had to make an ethical choice at work or in your community
Please observe the following examples from Gellis’s article:
  • ·  Ellen (328-329) described the work environment at her first job, and she expounds on what she learned from having been exposed to this work environment.
  • ·  Steve (page 329) elaborated on how his co-op job changed his views of professionalism.
  • ·  Dave (page 330) wrote about how his mentor influenced him during his work experience.
  • ·  Mike (page 330) wrote about the complexities concerning union employees and
management during a company strike and what he learned from the experience.
  • ·  Frank (page 331) wrote about a nonwork experience in Haiti, incorporating dialogue into
his description
  • ·  Richard (page 331) noted his experience in diagnosing a problem related to radiator cores
at his job. The methods he went through in testing the testing process are quite humorous.
Also note Gellis’s observation on page 332:
While the average 18-year-old has had a wealth of experiences, and has the intelligence to explore and comment on those experiences, juniors and seniors have usually had an additional 2 or 3 years to mature, and are usually capable of more sophisticated judgments.
The student body at UMUC is typically represents the older student that Gellis describes
here. For this reason, it is hoped that the essay provides you, as a UMUC student, the opportunity to make sophisticated judgments and thorough analyses of a previous work or community experience.
Point of View:
For writing assignment #1, you will write in first-person point of view for much of your analysis. In other words, you will feel free to use “I” and “we” in describing your work experience. While you may have been discouraged from using first-person point of view in previous classes, please note that this essay is one that lends itself to first-person point of view.
However, you should not write in second-person point of view. In other words, you will not write “to the reader” by using the pronoun “you” in referring to the reader.
Length and Due Date
Length: 800-1200 words.
Due Date: to be determined by the instructor

SOCI 212 Final Paper – Social Problems

SOCI 212 Final Paper – Social Problems
SOCI 212 Final Paper – Social Problems
This final paper will be the culmination of what we have accomplished in our first and second writing assignments. Now that we have identified and clarified the nature of our chosen social problem, and examined two key organizations that address this social problem, we will now give a more in depth discussion about the scope of the social problem, a major theoretical idea that can be applied to the social problem, and our own analysis of how this social problem might be better solved. A crucial part of this paper will be in identifying one of the major theoretical perspectives we have covered this session. The three major ones include the functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interaction approaches. However, as our texts point out, there are other theoretical viewpoints we may also adopt if we choose. The key will be in thoroughly reading and understanding these theoretical viewpoints, and finding the most effective one for understanding our chosen social problem of study.
Complete a 5-7 page final paper that analyzes the future impact of this social problem you have mentioned in the second writing assignment. In this assignment, you will cover:
1.    The scope of this social problem over the last 30-50 years. (note: you will need to use historical data to articulate the scope of this problem.)
2.    An analysis of one major theoretical perspective from our textbook (Leon-Guerrero, A. (2014). Social problems: Community, policy, and social action (4th ed.) Los Angeles, CA: Sage)  that is useful in understanding this social problem.
3.    Finally, your own analysis of how you think addressing the social problem could be improved. In this analysis, please mention what you think should be done to solve this social problem. Your paper should utilize sound critical thought and it should provide appropriate APA in-text citations and APA full-reference citations.
4.    Use at least four concepts from our text (not used in our previous assignments) in your analysis.
Don’t forget to include proper APA-style citation and reference.
The assignment should include a title page, abstract and/or table of contents, body of paper, and also works cited page. This assignment should follow the APA format. In addition to our text, you will significantly incorporate research from at least 5 meaningful up-to-date resources, two of which must be from reputable, peer-reviewed academic journals. Please check the Course Materials for more information on this homework assignment (worth 20% of total grade).

SOC 100 Assignment 3: Obesity in America

SOC 100 Assignment 3: Obesity in America
SOC 100 Assignment 3: Obesity in America

Week 9 Assignment 3 submission

Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center.
Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.

Assignment 3: Obesity in America

Due Week 9 and worth 65 points
Obesity in America is considered an epidemic. There are many contributing factors to obesity (both childhood and adult), such as biological, environmental, social, or economic factors. Review the information on obesity on pages 383 to 385 in the textbook. You may also use the Internet or Strayer Library to research obesity and its causes.
Suggested Reading:
  • “What Are the Health Risks of Overweight and Obesity?” located at
Write a one to two page (1-2) page essay in which you:
  1. Describe the effect that obesity (childhood and / or adult) has had on you personally or your community.
  2. Select one (1) contributing factor to childhood or adult obesity. Recommend two (2) preventative measures related to the selected factor that people can take in order to reduce their chance of becoming obese.
  3. Discuss one (1) sociological theory that relates to the selected contributing factor to obesity.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • To keep this essay short and manageable, your only sources for the essay should be the article from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the sections noted in your text. For this reason, APA citations or references are not required for this assignment.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
  • Define the basic concepts used in the discipline of sociology.
  • Explain the major theoretical paradigms of sociology.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in sociology.
  • Write clearly and concisely about sociology using proper writing mechanics.

RES 429 Entire Course Property Management

RES 429 Entire Course Property Management
RES 429 Entire Course Property Management

RES 429 Week 1 Assignment The Professional Property Manager

The Professional Property Manager. Write a two- to-three page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) analyzing the roles, duties, and responsibilities of professional property managers. The research paper should be comprehensive and include specific examples. The paper should be formatted according to APA guidelines and reference two scholarly sources other than the text. Include responses to the following within your paper:
Summarize the advantages or disadvantages of working as an employee manager as opposed to a third- party manager.
Describe the reasons property owners would choose to hire a property manager rather than manage property themselves.
Explain why a property manager should be concerned about ethics.

RES 429 Week 2 Property Analysis

Property Analysis. For the final paper, you will be preparing a property management plan for a property of your choice (apartment building; shopping center; or other commercial property). Each week you will complete a component on the property management plan. In week two, you will be completing the property analysis section of the final property management plan.
Write a three- to four- page paper outlining your property analysis for a property of your choice. Please see the recommended readings section for resources to assist you in locating a property.
The property analysis is a review of the particular property itself: its physical condition and needs, its rent roll and lease structure, and its overall financial performance and condition. include the following.
The property analysis, at a minimum, should
§Building size, location, accessibility
§Physical condition and age of structure and grounds
§Common area characteristics and condition
§Tenant space characteristics and condition
§Building occupancy and character of tenants
§Curb appeal: visual impression, style
§Building-to-land ratio: other possible uses or expansion on the site
§Compliance status regarding relevant regulations
§Current management strategy, policy, procedures
§Current staffing adequacy
§Financial integrity (including comparison of revenue and expenses with other similar buildings)
As you are preparing your property analysis and retrieving information from various sources, please keep the following in mind:
§A useful property analysis includes a thorough description of the property. competitive?§What is needed to make the property of my choice

RES 429 Week 3 Assignment Maintenance Plan

Maintenance Plan. Write a two-to-three page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) detailing the maintenance plan for your Property Management Plan. The plan must include maintenance for indoor and outdoor goals. The paper should be formatted according to APA guidelines.
The maintenance plan should summarize:
Short term goals.
Long term goals.
Policies and procedures for routine maintenance.
Policies and procedures for preventative maintenance.
Policies and procedures for corrective maintenance.
As you are preparing your maintenance plan and retrieving information from various sources, be sure to include the following:
Explain whether or not you will use on-site maintenance personnel or hire on a contract basis.
Explain whether outdoor maintenance be handled by the same personnel that handle inside maintenance.
Explain the necessary maintenance tasks.
Describe how the maintenance tasks will be kept and scheduled.
The paper should be formatted according to APA guidelines and reference two scholarly sources in addition the textbook

RES 429 Week 4 Assignment Competitive Market Analysis

Competitive Market Analysis. Write a two-to-three page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) detailing the competitive market analysis for your Property Management Plan. In the competitive market analysis, you must compare the rents and occupancies of similar competing properties with your selected property. The competitive market analysis must also include a regional analysis and neighborhood analysis in which you outline the economic base of the metropolitan region, the geographic sector, and the local neighborhood in which the property is situated.
The paper must be formatted according to APA guidelines and reference two scholarly sources in addition the textbook.

RES 429 Week 5 Assignment Final Project Property Management Plan

Focus of the Final Project
Property Management Plan—Putting It All Together
The Property Management Plan should demonstrate your understanding of the reading assignments as well as implications of your newly acquired knowledge. You should integrate readings, class discussions, work/life experiences, and what you have learned about property management. The Property Management Plan requires that you synthesize and reflect upon your learning in the context of the course outcomes.
Prepare an eight- to-ten page paper (excluding title page and references page) in which you analyze what you have learned about property management and create a plan for the management of a property that you own and manage. The property can be an apartment building, shopping center, or other commercial property of your choice.
The Property Management Plan, at a minimum, should include:
Part I: Introduction and Mission
Your introduction should summarize the key aspects of the paper. You should create a mission statement to include:
Property name and location
Company background
Name of company
Organizational structure (sole proprietor, LLC, corporation, etc.)—optional
Part II: Property Management Plan
In Weeks Two, Three, and Four you developed the integral parts of a property management plan. These combined papers will serve as Part II of your Final Project and should include:
Property Analysis (Week Two Assignment)
Maintenance Plan (Week Three Assignment)
Competitive Market Analysis (Week Four Assignment)
o Summaryofcompetitivebuildings o Regionalanalysis
o Neighborhood analysis
Part III: Reflections
You should include what you have learned about property management and how you will apply what you’ve learned professionally.
You must use a minimum of seven scholarly sources, including the textbook. The Property Management Plan is due on the last day of class and must be written according to APA style guidelines